Sunday 26 June 2016

Simple Hair Care Tips to Maintain Healthy Hair for Men

Are you looking for a good hair care routine to maintain your hair? Do you want your hair to be healthy? Then you’ve come to the right place.

This blog post focuses on pointing out simple steps that can help you maintain your hair. By using these simple tips for your hair, you can make your hair healthy and healthy hair is easy to manage. These tips work for all hair types and textures.

Check out these simple tips for men’s hair:

Choose a shampoo that suits your hair type:
This is very important to choose a shampoo that suits your hair type. Not all shampoos are same; they are made with different ingredients to match specific hair. You need to try every shampoo until you find one that matches your specific hair type. Go for shampoos that are silicon-free as silicone tends to make hair dry.

Don’t shampoo daily:
I know most of you might think that why I’m saying that don’t shampoo daily although it is good for your hair. The answer to this question is very simple; shampoos are great for hair but excess of everything is bad. You should not use shampoo daily as this can weaken the hair strips increasing hair fall.

Use cold water instead of hot water to wash your hair:
Many of us use hot water to wash our hair, not knowing that hot water can damage our hair. Hot water feels great on hair but it weakens the roots of the hair. If you don’t want to get bald, you should stop using hot water to wash hair. Cold water is good for hair and it retains the oil in the hair making them strong from roots. This also reduces hair fall.

Don’t roughly towel dry your hair:
Towel dry is a quick way to make our hair dry but it is not the effective method. We, most of the time, use towel roughly to dry our hair which makes the hair fall decreases the strength of the hair. If you want to towel dry your hair, just slide the towel backwards, it will not damage the hair.

Don’t use blow drier daily:
Who doesn’t likes to use a blow drier to dry hair? It provides extra volume to the hair that looks great. But do you know that using blow drier daily can damage your hair. Blow drier makes hair thin which can increase the chances of baldness. If you don’t want to get bald, you should not use blow drier daily.

Eat foods that have lots of proteins and vitamins:
Vitamins and proteins are very good for making hair strong. You should balance your diet to make sure that your hairs get required proteins and vitamins to nourish better. If you don’t know which foods contain vitamins and proteins; here’s a list of foods which contains proteins and vitamins:
  • Meat
  • Eggs
  • Vegetables
  • Nuts
  • Beans
  • Walnuts
  • Avocados

Don’t use a brush on wet hair:
The last tip to make your hair healthy is not to use a brush on wet hair. Instead use a wide-toothed comb on wet hair. Brushing wet hair will damage your hair and will make the hair strands weaker from roots causing hair fall. So, you should not use brush on wet hair to keep your hair healthy.

I hope that you found what you were looking for in this article. If you have any questions regarding the post or want me to add post on specific topic, you can comment below. I’m looking forward to your suggestions.